Make money out of blogging

If you thought a blog is just an online diary where you write personal thoughts, think again. Today, hundreds of people earn extra income, if not primarily, from blogging. Blogging tools have become highly sophisticated and rich in features, making them easy to use and customize. If you set your mind to it, your blog, whatever topic it's about, can become one of the most popular and highest-earning sites today.

The Blog Mo, Karerin Mo (Make A Career Out of Your Blog) seminar explores the basics of successful blogging and the ways to generate income using blogs. The following topics and sub-topics will be discussed:

Blogging is easy and fun

Speaker: EJ Arboleda

  • Starting a blog
  • Turning interests into a blog
  • Building your community
  • Promoting your blog and make your blog more effective

Get Noticed & Earn

Speaker: Floyd Buenavente

  • Placing ads on your blog
  • Promoting products on your blog through affiliate programs (affiliate links, banners)
  • Promoting products on your blog by using articles/reviews/ratings/top 10 lists and be a professional blogger
  • Basics of SEO / marketing

Make money out of online selling

Speaker: Janette Toral

  • Promoting products on your blog through integrated online stores (aStore, eBay affiliate programs)
  • Selling your own products using online stores/networks (Ebay, Amazon, Sulit, Multiply, Facebook)
  • Becoming a succesful power seller/be famous

For those interested, please sign the online registration form.

1 comment:

Devie aka Ladybug said...

Timely topic for our NGO - Rotaract.